“Primarily developed over the first half of the 20th century, Murray Hill is home to a diver
se collection of architectural styles that combine to give the neighborhood a unique sense of place. Residential architectural styles in the area include Bungalow, Craftsman, Prairie School, Colonial, Tudor Revival, Art Deco and M
asonry Vernacular. Another unique quality of Murray Hill is the size of its houses. They are typically smaller than those in other local historic districts, making the area much more affordable for first time home buyers. Currently, there are 3 bedroom/1 bathroom homes listed in the neighborhood for as low as $125k”.
The old Jones College on the corner on Edgewood Avenue and SR 17, finally went down after decades, which in the last years gave Murray Hill a bad front door look. Now, new businesses on Edgewood Avenue are slowly moving in, making it attractive for locals and tourists: eateries, shops, the old movies theater , bakeries, hair places and new construction on the way, which should allure younger crowds into this attractive neighborhood.
– Mr. Walters